UC Face Off - SZPK-Nokia Komarom 0:3 (0:1, 0:0, 0:2)

Komarom had a surprisingly tough time against the Dutch champions, who gave a good fight, but were finally too weak with seven field players to come back after two Nicole Vertesi goals.

  UC Face Off   SZPK-Nokia Komarom
1 Lidwien Reehuis (TW) 21 Rita Miklos (TW)
4 Maaike van den Berg 14 Fanni Marton (TW)
5 Gwendolyn Maes 3 Palma Kopocsi
24 Ellen van den Hoven 4 Anna Takacs
30 Marrigie Meijer 7 Vivien Juhasz
35 Eva Beltman 9 Agnes Huszar
67 Susanne Spijkerman 10 Evelin Bacher
71 Kiki Spoelstra 13 Vivien Varadi
89 Cune Verbeek 22 Beata Gyugos
    23 Nicole Vertesi
    33 Klara Kiss
    89 Dora Toth